Kelly Bell

Temper Tantrums!!!

Posted on: January 27, 2009

I have been planning on posting for several days now. I think my intended posts were all good ideas too, but unfortunately I can’t remember any of them because I have been thrown for a loop. My sweet, precious daughter has decided it is time to throw temper tantrums.

I am not ready for this! Doesn’t she know that? Isn’t this supposed to start later? I mean she is only almost 11 months old. Sadly, I have been affirmed though by many friends that this is the age when their children started showing their “emotions” as well.

I have been constantly saying, “Lord, give me patience, give me strength, give me wisdom” and “UGGHHH!!!!!”

Any encouragement or advice from other moms would be gladly received!

4 Responses to "Temper Tantrums!!!"

Just know that you are not alone and that it will pass and then another interesting thing will take its place. And just wait until you get to the point that the temper tantrums no longer bother you but instead make you laugh. It is then that you can sit back and really see what it is she is trying to communicate.

And I have found that just turning around and walking away is the most effective response.

Thanks Ketura! I have actually already found myself laughing at her a couple times in disbelief. Especially when they just pop out of nowhere.

I am not a mom, but I am working at a pregnancy center that also offers parenting classes, so I have learned A LOT… between 9-18 months is when kids are starting to really need discipline. Obviously, when they are brand new, there is no such thing as spoiling your child. You are their food, their comfort, and they are completely 100% dependent on you! (which you know!) But, when they hit the age of around 1 year, they start walking, crawling, uttering sounds, and their personality really starts to show itself, and also, they can start testing limits, pushing the envelope, and seeing “cause and effect”- if I do this, mommy does this….

Just know that they are not really trying to defy you… They are just trying to learn the boundaries- so set them and stick to them! I sound like a book probably, but its so true. Boundaries give security. I relate it to our walk with Christ. If there were no boundaries we would not be secure- but with boundaries, we become able to walk in FREEDOM! Same with our kids.

Also, you probably know this too, but just to affirm you, discipline is not necessarily punishment. It means to TEACH! So when we discipline our kids its out of love and a heart to teach them how to behave.

You are doing great. Caroline loves you so much, and you are the most important person in her life- moms are SO important!!! You are a great example of a loving mother. Trust yourself when dealing with her when she acts up or loses control. God will give you the wisdom, patience and strength that is necessary.

You may know all of this, but I hope you are encouraged by it and it helps you find security knowing you are doing a great job!!!

Thanks Mel! I appreciate the encouragement!

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